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The Dynamics of Poverty in York County, South Carolina
The Dynamics of Poverty in York County, South Carolina
Understanding the dynamics of York County, South Carolina is needed to help implement strategic plans to help improve poverty. The geographic area of York County, South Carolina consist of 74,329 females and 68,687 males, comprising of 22 % being of African American decent (Black) according to the American Community Survey population report (American Community Survey, 2012). Amongst this large population, over 53,000 persons are living below the poverty level. Out of the tri-county area, consisting of Chester County, Lancaster County and York County, York County ranks the lowest rate of poverty. It will be important to gather information about York County that is not prevalent in other counties to pinpoint the focus of an action plan.
The development of a community needs assessment regarding poverty needs to be evaluated to find out why York County ranks the lowest in the Tri-County area and what measures can be implemented to assist with decreasing poverty among the community members of York County. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2012), the poverty rate for all ages fell at 13 percent compared to the United States rate of poverty for all ages at 15.9 percent for the 2012 year. The need to understand various dynamics like the geographic area, educational levels, transportation system, employment information, health statistics and household dynamics may help in developing programs to decrease poverty. Understanding what factors are common among individuals living in poverty can lead to a better understanding of community needs and increasing the development of effective, strategic programs.
A. Carter, MPH
American Community Survey 2012. 5- Year data collected from 2008 to 2012. Retrieved from United States Census Bureau website; 2014 July. : U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Summary File 3, 200; U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2012 Data Release, December 2013.
U.S. Census Bureau (2012). US Department of Commerce, United States Census Bureau, American Fact Finder. Community facts 2010, retrieved from United states Census Bureau website, 2014, June from: http://factfinder2.census. gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml